A continuación se encuentran los volúmenes que recogen traducciones y/o dibujos de textos egipcios  antiguos de algunos de los pioneros de la egiptología.
Los libros sobre textos individuales no están incluidos. Ordenado alfabéticamente por el autor.
Los enlaces fueron recogidos por Michael Tilgner para EEF NEWS.

* S. Birch (ed.), Records of the Past Being English Translations of 
the Assyrian and Egyptian Monuments [ROP], vols. I-XII, London, 1873-1881
All volumes are listed for the sake of completeness; Egyptian texts
are only in the vols. II, IV, VI, VIII, X, XII
"Every Text here given is either now translated for the _first time_,
or has been specially revised by the Translator to the date of
this publication." 
-- vol. I, London, [1873]
-- vol. II, London, [1873]
-- vol. III, London, [1874]
-- vol. IV, London, [1875]
-- vol. V, London, [1875]
-- vol. VI, London, [1876]
-- vol. VII, London, [1876]
-- vol. VIII, London, [1876]
-- vol. IX, London, [1877]
-- vol. X, London, [1878]
-- vol. XI, London, [1878]
-- vol. XII, London, [1881]
-- Combined with A.H. Sayce (ed.), ROP n.s. I-VI:
[Some pdf-files do not contain the complete text.]

* James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt [BAR]. Historical Documents from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest, vols. I-V, Chicago, 1906 -- vol. I: The First to the Seventeenth Dynasties URL -- vol. II: The Eighteenth Dynasty URL -- vol. III: The Nineteenth Dynasty URL -- vol. IV: The Twentieth to the Twenty-sixth Dynasties URL -- vol. V: Indices URL * Heinrich Brugsch, Thesaurus inscriptionum aegyptiacarum. Altaegyptische Inschriften gesammelt, verglichen, übertragen, erklärt und autographiert, parts 1-6, Leipzig, 1883-1891. -- Erste Abtheilung: Astronomische und astrologische Inschriften altaegyptischer Denkmaeler, Leipzig, 1883. - vi, 194 autographed pp. -- Zweite Abtheilung: Kalendarische Inschriften altaegyptischer Denkmaeler, Leipzig, 1883. - vi, autographed pp. 194-530 Vols. I and II bound together: URL -- Dritte Abtheilung: Geographische Inschriften altaegyptischer Denkmaeler, Leipzig, 1884. - vi, autographed pp. 531-618 -- Vierte Abtheilung: Mythologische Inschriften altaegyptischer Denkmaeler, Leipzig, 1884. - vi, autographed pp. 619-850 Vols. III and IV bound together: URL --- Fünfte Abtheilung: Historisch-biographische Inschriften altaegyptischer Denkmaeler, Leipzig, 1891. - xxii, autographed pp. 851-1234 --- Sechste Abtheilung: Bautexte und Inschriften verschiedenen Inhaltes altaegyptischer Denkmaeler, Leipzig, 1891. - xvi, autographed pp. 1235-1578 Vols. V and VI bound together: URL * François Chabas, Choix de textes égyptiens, Paris, 1883 URL [PDF] * Jacques Jean Clère, Jacques Vandier, Textes de la première période intermédiaire et de la XIe dynastie, Bruxelles 1948. URL * Wolja Erichsen, Demotische Lesestücke II: Urkunden der Ptolemaerzeit. Heft I: Texte. Leipzig, 1939-1940. PDF-file URL * Adolf Erman, The Literature of Ancient Egyptians: Poems, Narratives, and Manuals of Instruction from the Third and Second Millenia B.C., Newy York, 1927 [reprinted by Dover in 1995] - only part of the book is online URL * W. M. Flinders Petrie, Egyptian Tales Translated from the Papyri, 2 vols., London, 1895 -- First Series: IVth to XIIth Dynasty URL [PDF] URL -- Second Series: XVIIIth to XIXth Dynasty URL [PDF] URL * Alan H. Gardiner, Late Egyptian Stories [LES], Bruxelles 1932. URL * Alan H. Gardiner, Herbert Thompson, J. G. Milne (eds.). Theban Ostraca: Edited from the Originals, Now Mainly in the Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeology, Toronto, and the Bodleian Library, Oxford, Toronto / London / Oxford, 1913 URL * Alan Henderson Gardiner, Egyptian Hieratic Texts: transcribed, translated and annotated by Alan H. Gardiner. Series I: Literary texts of the New Kingdom. Part 1: The Papyrus Anastasi I and the Papyrus Koller, Together with the Parallel Texts. Leipzig, 1911. URL [PDF] Another scan: URL

* Carl Richard Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien [LD] nach den Zeichnungen der von Seiner Majestät dem Könige von Preussen Friedrich Wilhelm IV. nach diesen Ländern gesendeten und in den Jahren 1842-1845 ausgeführten wissenschaftlichen Expedition. 12 plate vols., 1849-1859, 1 additional plate vol. (ed. Eduard Naville), 1913, 5 text vols. (ed. Eduard Naville) (1897-1905) URL * Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature, 3 vols., Berkeley / Los Angeles / London, 1973-1980 - only parts of these books are online -- vol. I, 1973: The Old and Middle Kingdoms URL -- vol. II, 1976: The New Kingdom URL URL -- vol. III, 1980: The Late Period URL URL * G. Maspero, Les contes populaires de l'Égypte ancienne, 4th rev. ed., Paris, 1911 URL * G. Maspero, Popular Stories of Ancient Egypt, New York / London, 1915. Translated by Mrs C. H. W. Johns [A. S. Griffith] from the Fourth French Edition Revised by G. Maspero - Original title: Les contes populaires de l'Égypte ancienne URL * B. Pörtner, Aegyptische Grabsteine und Denksteine aus Athen und Konstantinopel, Strassburg, 1908. - 27 pp., 13 pls. - pdf-file (15.7 MB) URL * Friedrich Preisigke, Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten, Zweiter Band. Berlin und Leipzig, 1922. URL * Friedrich Preisigke, Griechische Urkunden des ägyptischen Museums zu Kairo. Strassburg, 1911 URL

* A. H. Sayce (ed.), Records of the Past Being English Translations of the Ancient Monuments of Egypt and Western Asia [ROP], New Series, vols. I-VI, London, 1888-1892 -- vol. I, London, [1888] URL -- vol. II, London, [1889] URL -- vol. III, London, [1890] URL -- vol. IV, London, [1890] URL -- vol. V, London, [1891] URL -- vol. VI, London, [1892] URL -- Combined with S. Birch (ed.), ROP I-XII: URL [Some pdf-files do not contain the complete text.] * Wolfgang Schenkel, Memphis - Herakleopolis - Theben. Die epigraphischen Zeugnisse der 7.-11. Dynastie Ägyptens, Wiesbaden, 1965 (ÄA, 12). - XII + 306 pp. - pdf-file (70 MB) URL * Kurt Sethe, Die altaegyptischen Pyramidentexte nach den Papierabdrücken und Photographien des Berliner Museums, vols. 1-2, Leipzig, 1908-1910. -- vol. 1: Text, erste Hälfte. Spruch 1-468 (Pyr. 1-905), Leipzig, 1908 - XIII, 508 pp. - pdf-file (128 MB) URL -- vol. 2: Text, zweite Hälfte. Spruch 469-714 (Pyr. 906-2217), Leipzig, 1910 - IV, 547 pp. - pdf-file (137 MB) URL * Kurt Sethe et al. (ed.), Urkunden des Aegyptischen Altertums [Urk], Leipzig 1932-1935, vols. I-VIII URL

* Kurt Sethe, Demotische Urkunden zum ägyptischen Bürgschaftsrechte vorzüglich der Ptolemäerzeit. Mit einer rechtsgeschichtlichen Untersuchung von J. Partsch, Leipzig, 1920 (Abhandlungen der philologisch-historischen Klasse der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. 32). URL [PDF] * Ernest A. Wallis Budge, Iorwerth E. S. Edwards, Morris L. Bierbrier, British Museum. Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, Hieroglyphic Texts from Egyptian Stelae, &c., in the British Museum, vols. 1-12, London, 1911-1993 -- Part 1, London, 1911. - 20 pp., 56 pls. - pdf-file (9.9 MB) URL URL -- Part 1, 2nd ed., London, 1961. - 50 pp., 42 pls. - pdf-file (7.5 MB) URL -- Part 2, London, 1912. - 13 pp. 50 pls. - pdf-file (5.2 MB) URL -- Part 4, London, 1913. - 14 pp., 50 pls. - pdf-file (5.1 MB) URL another online version - pdf-file (5.1 MB) URL -- Part 5, London, 1915. - 15 pp., 50 pls. - pdf-file (4.7 MB) URL -- Part 6, London, 1922. - 12 pp., 50 pls. - pdf-file (5.2 MB) URL another online version - pdf-file (5.7 MB) URL * E. A. Wallis Budge, The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians, London, 1914 URL * E. A. Wallis Budge, An Egyptian Reading Book for Beginners Being a Series of Historical, Funereal, Moral, Religious and Mythological Texts Printed in Hieroglyphic Characters, Together with a Transliteration and Complete Vocabulary, London, 1896 URL * E. A. Wallis Budge, An Egyptian Reading-Book, London, 1888. URL * E. A. Wallis Budge, Legends of the Gods. The Egyptian Texts, edited with Translations. URL

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